Our services

Exposició de mostra i botiga
In our 200 square meter showroom, you will be able to see different finished models of decorative pieces and sculptures, in modern and classic style.
You will find a large number of pieces in stock, ready for installation: mouldings, arches, columns, capitals, indirect light visors, shelves, decorative sconces, friezes, signs, etc.

Taller propi i treballs a l'obra
We have our own workshop where we design and manufacture each piece by hand. Our team specializing in construction work has a long experience in the impeccable placement of decorative pieces and plastering.
Guarantee of high-quality finishes, safety and cleanliness on site.

Projectes personalitzats
We work with individuals, designers and decorators to carry out their decorative projects and make their ideas come true in homes, restaurants, shops, etc.
We carry out work to order, looking for the environment that best suits your style.

Artistic work and restoration of historical heritage
Col·laborem amb artistes en la creació d’obres en guix i en l’elaboració de motlles per a les seves creacions en altres materials. Fem reproduccions d’escultures i d’elements decoratius antics per a la preservació dels elements històrics originals.
Fem restauracions per a la conservació dels elements decoratius d’edificis antics, evitant la pèrdua del patrimoni arquitectònic.